Friday, February 15, 2013

Job Fair: The oppotunity to find the future.

Hello everyone! Yesterday I went to visited the job fair at my University. It has a lot of booth jobs for the students interests.

Inside the job fair it was so  nice becuse it has many kind of jobs for you selected, It is quite easily walked for viewing because it was setting inside the auditorium hall and did not need to go outside to patient from sunlight.

While I was seeing the booth fair. Each booth, I could see exactly some one or two jobs that it is exactly though with my major. While I went acess to applied the job (Team Precision ltd, Maketing program administrator position), it also near with my home, and it has one rep would like to interview me in English language. She asked me everything what she would like to know. On first time I felt so novouse and afraid, but she told me that if you confident in yourseft and you are so sure that if your ideas has creativity enough, nothing must afraid.

After that I felt  more encourage than before, and then I confidently to answered her without incorrect, although I actually use the basic to answer; by the way, I'm pretty sure that her company could be accept me to join them in working. And I am sure that thIs job is the correcting way in my choose.

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