Hello everyone! it has been for the long time I did not writing blog. I love to write it but I have no time. So, let's continue to talk about my job. I has started to work at Teamprecision company. In my opinion, This company is very nice place because it is the stable place and someone who has been working here for 10 to 20 years before. First, it made me so exciting that I has already got the job. I started working on March 15, 2013 until now. After one week ago, the environment inside the office it does not feel good and feel deepest, because from my feeling many people do no friendly and cooperate to work with together. I don't know why and it can made me would like to change the new job , but in my positive thinking, I think some day it gonna be okay. However, in this time nobody don't want to talk with me, but someday I can made them accept in me no matter way.
For to talk about inside the company system, it is the electronic circle production which it bring to combine with the electronic display For the working system, it is very complicated to know because it has many steps to produced and very fixable time.Staring from confirm order, purchasing, controlling, producing, and quality analysis.This company has 2 branched in Thailand such as in Pathumtani and Pajinburi province, and it also exhibited in Singapore and United kingdom countries.
Last, The job that I has been working here that it very nice and I learn with it a lot because it is my first experience that has never done before. I need to make it well done, and I have to patience with it, no matter with works or people. Now in my feeling, I don't care that any people will think any thing about me. The last thing that I would like to be the professional and get every from this experience as much as I can, I love learning and interesting the situation a round my side, but one thing I don't want to know that is habituation of each person, that it able made me so serious, because each personality does not as the same, so do not care with it, just do the best as you can, and believe that some day, you will be the professional. Just learn :)
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